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âž´Bring all materials and homework to class each day.

âž´Raise your hand when you have a question, comment, or need to leave the room.

âž´Take a pass whenever leaving the room.

âž´Be respectful to classmates and teachers.

âž´Use accountable talk.



Required Materials


âž´(1) Marble Notebook

âž´(1) Two-Pocket Folder

âž´ (4) Writing Utensils – Pencils (with erasers!) or Blue/Black Ink Pens

âž´(2) Highlighters

âž´(1) Tissue Box

âž´(1) Library Card

Academic Ethics & Plagiarism Policy



DRIHSCS expects its scholars to maintain the highest degree of academic ethics. This means putting the utmost effort into all class work and assignments and avoiding the ethical pitfalls of plagiarism and cheating. Plagiarism demonstrates a lack of integrity and character that is inconsistent with the goals and values of DRIHSCS.



Late Work/Makeup Policy 



Homework can be handed in for half credit up until the day of the test.

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